Tag Archives: naturally gaited horse

Quality Step to Quality Steps

quality step to quality steps

Are gaited horses supposed to be smooth? Why does my gaited horse fall in and out of a smooth gait? How can I help my gaited horse be consistently smooth?

Developing Quality Smooth Gaits One Step at a Time

By Jennifer Klitzke

Lots of people buy a naturally gaited horse believing they automatically offer a smooth gait all the time. Some gaited horses are all born with this ability, but most need training to develop a consistent smooth gait.

Dressage is one form of training the naturally gaited horse to develop quality smooth gaits. Through exercises that develop balance, rhythm, relaxation, flexibility, symmetry and engagement, a gaited horse can develop quality smooth gaits on cue.

How? With three important keys.

1. Know the difference between a quality step and a step that is unbalanced, rushed, hollow, tense, or disengaged.

2. Practice quality steps.

3. Stop and reward before the steps fall apart.

In the beginning it might be one step lead. Then it leads to a few quality steps. Over time the few steps become a few minutes of quality steps.

Avoid practicing poor quality steps, because that’s the muscle memory you’ll create. Practice consistent quality smooth steps to deliver clear communication to your horse.

It is not always easy to tell the difference between a quality step from a step that is unbalanced, rushed, hollow, tense, or disengaged. I know it is for me. I’ve been perusing my equestrian education since 1988 and there is always more to learn. Taking lessons, attending clinics, studying DVDs, reading books, and recording rides are great ways to learn. All of this helps me become a more effective rider and better communicator with my naturally gaited horses.

In the video below I share what I’ve learned about developing quality smooth gaits —one step at a time.

When my horse loses rhythm, becomes unbalanced, rushes, hollows or becomes disengaged, that’s a great clue to simply slow down to a walk and re-establish quality steps.

When I’ve re-established quality steps, then I transition to the smooth gait a quality step to quality steps.

Over time, a few quality steps turn into circles of quality steps. Seconds into minutes for longer durations of quality smooth gait over time.

Video: Quality Step to Quality Steps

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